Promotion of Golf
At its core, our Club exists to promote the game of golf.Everything we do, is aimed at increasing the number of people playing golf, and their passion for the game.
Every means available to the Club are used to generate funds which can be put back into the promotion of golf.
Our many initiatives include discounting golf related services, improving accessibility within our facilities, and introducing and encouraging the game to non-golfers.
So how do we promote golf?
Club golf initiative programs are many and varied and include:

Subsidised Membership Fees

Flexible payment options, including pay by month, underwritten by the Club

Free club hire seven days a week for juniors and on Sundays for adults

Welcoming new member inductions, including introduction to the rules of golf and course etiquette, which are undertaken by experienced staff

Long Service Discounts for older members

Free bucket of range balls for all house/hospitality members

Free or subsidised use of motorised carts, particularly to facilitate accessibility for elderly, injured or disables members.

Exceptional quality coaches and teaching facilities, available to Club members as well as members of other Clubs and the public

Provision of free Guest passes and Guest days to encourage new members to play

Offset costs of facility use for schools and community groups
- Five different competitions weekly, including provision of competition prizes
- Golf Premier League – Teams Event
- The Scramble – Teams Event
- Longest Day Event (charity fundraising competition)
- Multi-Tee Competitions

Subsidised golf instructional clinics, including:
- Children’s Clinics
- Women’s Clinics
- Beginners Clinics
- Mens Clinics
- All-Abilities Clinics

Hosting Golf Events including Junior Schools Championships, the Victorian Open Qualifying event, Captain-President Golf Day, Australian Special Olympics training

Free or subsidised use of driving range facilities for members, dependant upon their level of membership

Provision of the Course for third party Charity Days